Left and Right

work in progress

work in progress

It’s taken years for me to integrate the left and right sides of my brain. The left brain easily takes the wheel and the right brain quietly whispers, don't listen to her. But recently, I'm finding new ways to connect the two. This morning, my horoscope reflected this perfectly. 

Your left side and right side will declare a truce, no longer wrestling each other for supremacy, and they may even join forces to conjure up unprecedented collaborations. The little voices in your head that speak for the past will find common ground with the little voices in your head that speak for the future—and as a result you may be inspired to formulate a fresh master plan that appeals both.

Generally speaking, the left brain loves control, order, structure, accuracy. The right brain wants meaning, connection, risk and openness. That scares the shit out of the left brain, because it’s largely based on fear and survival instincts. I love the thought of these aspects of my personality joining forces.

work in progress

work in progress

After years spent honing my drawing skills and learning to control my mark-making, tools, and materials, I dismissed it all as wasted time because the work lacked meaning and expression. It was partly true, but not entirely true. In art (and life) we need both control and risk, structure and meaning to feel alive.

work in progress

work in progress

This truce is showing up in the art I’m currently making (of course) I’m returning to some representational imagery and holding the reins loosely. I haven’t yet found the sweet spot, but I’m loving the journey. Common ground, it seems, is fertile soil. If only I could spread this truce far and wide so that the left and right everywhere could join forces. Now that would be an unprecedented collaboration.

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