123123 (12/31/23)


Wisdom of the Daily 24x36 inches

Today’s date reminds me of how quickly things can change. 1-2-3 and you’re looking at a whole new life! 

2023 was full of changes for me and felt like a time to get clear on what was a yes and what was a hard pass. Leaving Art2Life left an empty space…I missed my colleagues and community. The last half of this year has been spent rebuilding, and some new and very exciting things have come from this.

2024 will be about new work, new connections, growth, and sharing. I’m looking forward to connecting and sharing with those of you who will be joining me and Terri Froelich for our ARTfuel retreats in Australia, Portugal, and Spain. How fun!!

Many of you have asked about online offerings and I’m happy to report that those are in the works as well. While I don’t have particulars yet, here is what I’m dreaming up…

An online program on color and design - filled with specific exercises to strengthen your composition and color; a full blown online color course dedicated to this frequently misunderstood and very nuanced element of art; a community where artists connect, learn, and share. Unlike most communities, this one will be brought to you by three professionals in the art world - not just one. There will be opportunities to learn about the business side of art as well as the creative side…including the ever-popular feedback on your works-in-progress. If you’re getting this newsletter, you’ll know more as each offering develops.

I hope this sounds as exciting to you as it does to me, and I wish the very best for you and all of us in 2024.

Susan Melrath5 Comments